Si no has escuchado el disco de estos veinteañeros, ya puedes empezar a hacerlo. Son tranquilos (aunque se les tacha de "emos"), son relajantes (algunos les dicen aburridos) y son precoces (algunos les llaman novatos despectivamente). El caso es que aquí está un remix de una canción del disco que sacaron hace ya dos años, pero no dejan de ser inspiración para usar esas canciones o crear remixes como este. Primero, escucha esto y luego ponte el disco para ver como tengo razón.
If you haven't listened yet the album from this twenties, you should start to do it. They're quiet (some people called them "emo's"), they're relaxing (some people called them boring) and they're precocious (some people called them novice contemptuously). The question is that here is a remix of a song from the album they released two years ago, but it's still inspiration to use that songs or making remix of this. First, listen to this and later play the album to see that I'm right.
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