lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011

Swedish House Mafia vs. Knife Party "Antidote" (Music Video)

Se acercaron al pop con "Save The World", con "One" se juntaron con el hiphop y ahora vuelven a su territorio con "Antidote" acompañados de Knife Party y un vídeo contado en primera persona con una enfrentamiento entre mafias dónde se ve carne y sangre, mafia china y violencia. El vídeo ya te lo avisa antes, pero por si acaso te lo digo yo, lleva cuidado que no haya nadie alrededor por lo que pueda pensar.

They were close to pop with "Save The World", with "One" they were together with hiphop and now they're back in their territory with "Antidote" accompanied with Knife Party and a first-person-related video in a mafia fight where you can see a lot of skin and blood, chinese mafia and violence. The video alerts you but just in case, take care of being with somebody around for what can think.

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