martes, 10 de enero de 2012

Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi "Two Against One (feat. Jack White)" (Music Video)

Esa maravilla llamada "Rome" hecha por Danger Mouse y Daniele Luppi ya tiene con su tercer single y con su semejante en imágenes presentado, volviendo a ser otra obra maestra. Para el primer y segundo single contaron con la ayuda de Google Chrome, y para este han colaborado con Chris Milk, que dirige esta primera parte de un proyecto que afirman que llegará en breves. En esta canción, la parte vocal es trabajo de Jack White, miembro de los extintos The White Stripes.

That wonderful called "Rome" made by Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi has already the third single and with its picture partner, being again a masterpiece. To the first and second single, they were helped by Google Chrome, and for this single they have collaborated with Chris Milk, director of this first part of a project that they assure will arrive very soon. On this song, the vocal part is work of Jack White, member of the extinct The White Stripes.

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