Ya les tengo guardado un rincón de mi corazón por ese grandísimo himno llamado "We Are Young" y les reservaré ese espacio siempre. Luego alimentan mi obsesión con "One Foot" y ahora me consiguen remover con este "Carry On". De verdad, guitarra, voces melódicas como hace mucho que no escuchaba y un disco a punto de terminar de hornearse. Me quieren matar.
I keep one corner of my heart because of that very great anthem called "We Are Young" and I will reserve that space forever. Then, they feed my obsession with "One Foot" and now they stir me with this "Carry On". I mean it, guitars, melodic voices like I didn't hear in long time and an album almost ready to be launched. They want to kill me.
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