viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Miike Snow "Paddling Out"

Este si que es el primer single del que será el segundo disco de Miike Snow y no aquel "Devil's Work" que solo servía como adelanto al sonido que aportará "Happy To You", que es como se llamará el disco. Más dance (como no podía ser de otra forma) y acercándose al estilo que todos esperaban encontrar cuando decidieron empezar a crear juntos estos dos productores escandinavos. Presiento que será mejor.

This is the real first single of which will be the second album of Miike Snow and not that "Devil's Work", which was only an advance of the sound will have "Happy To You", that is how will be called the album. More dance (it couldn't be otherwise) and enclosing to the style how everybody thought was going to be when this two Scandinavian producers chose to create together. I predict this album is going to be better.

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