A Florence + The Machine jamás se le podría decir que no y, en este caso, con "Ceremonials" copando las listas de los mejores discos de 2011, menos. Al final, la canción lanzada como single no ha resultado ser la remezcla hecha por Calvin Harris, pero es igual de efectiva e increíblemente pegadiza. El videoclip se hizo a cargo de David LaChapelle, famoso fotógrafo, que ha hecho, aquí, de Florence, protagonista de muchas escenas variopintas.
Nobody can say never no to Florence + The Machine and, in this case, with "Ceremonials" heading the best albums of 2011 lists, less. At the end, the song launched as single wasn't the remix made by Calvin Harris, but it's as effective and unbelievably catchy as it. The music video was made by David LaChapelle, famous photographer, that made, here, of Florence, the star of so many different scenes.
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