martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

The Hood Internet "See Youth (Usher x Santigold)"

Buenísimo mash-up (ya sabéis cómo me gustan) juntando "Disparate Youth" de Santigold con "Lemme See" de Usher. Los autores son The Hood Internet y han usado la parte musical de Santigold poniendo la parte vocal de Usher, dejando una canción que no tiene nada que envidiar a otros mash-ups más elaborados.

Excellent mash-up (you already know how I like them) putting together Santigold's "Disparate Youth" with Usher's "Lemme See". The creators are The Hood Internet and they have used the musical part of Santigold with the lyric part of Usher, leaving a song that doesn't have nothing to envy to other more elaborated mash-ups.

Vía: Earmilk