lunes, 28 de mayo de 2012

Justin Bieber "All Around The World (feat. Ludacris)"

Es amado y odiado a partes iguales, ya sea por su carácter o por su música (incluso por las "beliebers", sus fans), pero no deja indiferente a nadie. Su nuevo disco está a punto de ser lanzado y tras "Boyfriend", merecedor del record Guinness al mayor número de visitas a su videoclip en un solo día, llega "All Around The World" junto a Ludacris. Y tengo que reconocer que me ha gustado.

He's loved and hated equally, because of her attitude or his music (there's people who hates him because of his fans, the "beliebers"), but he doesn't leave indifferent to nobody. His new album is about to be launche and after "Boyfriend", deserver of the Guinness record of biggest number of views of his music video in only one day, arrives "All Around The World" with Ludacris. And I have to recognize that I liked it.

Vía: I Love Music Pop