martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

The Vaccines "No Hope"

The Vaccines son los autores de uno de los mejores discos de debut de los últimos años. Sin tener una peculiar voz al frente o un estilo particular, han conseguido diferenciarse gracias a melodías y letras impecables. "No Hope" parece ser el primer adelanto de "The Vaccines Come of Age", su segundo disco, que deseo que llegue lo antes posible. De momento, "No Hope" no se ve como un grandísimo tema, pero todo es cuestión de escucharla unas cuantas veces.

The Vaccines are the authors of one of the best debut albums of the last years. Without having a peculiar voice at the front or a particular style, they have achieved differentiate thanks to their melodies and a faultless lyrics. "No Hope" seems to be the first advance of "The Vaccines Come of Age", their second album, that I wish to arrive as soon as possible. By the moment, "No Hope", as seen, isn't a very great track, but all I can do is listen to it more times and look if that changes.

Vía: In The Riff