miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

Blur "Under The Westway" / "The Puritan" (Lyrics Videos)

Los genios, perennes e inconfundibles Blur vuelven a la carga con dos singles de golpe llamados "Under The Westway" y "The Puritan" que presentaron este lunes en directo en streaming para todo el que lo quisiera ver por la Red. Blur son únicos e imprescindibles para dar un poco de cordura a esta industria que cada día está menos sana. Blur, no os volváis a ir. Arriba tenéis el vídeo con la letra de "Under The Westway" y más abajo os pongo el de "The Puritan" (para ello pulsa "MORE!!!").

The genius, perennial and unmistakable Blur are back in charge with two singles at once called "Under The Westway" and "The Puritan" that they presented this monday live on streaming for everybody who wanted to watch them in Internet. Blur are unique and essential to give a bit of sanity to this industry that each day is less healthy. Blur, don't go again. Above you have the lyric video of "Under The Westway" and down the "The Puritan" one (for that, click on "MORE!!!").

Vía: Pitchfork

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