Desde la discográfica que últimamente ha dado temazos como el "We Are Young" de Fun. o "Dedication" de Rome, llega VersaEmerge con "No Consequences", una canción powerpop con tintes rock que tiene pinta de dar guerra, aunque no entre el gran público. Yo te recomiendo que te suscribas a la cuenta de Fueled By Ramen porque cada vídeo que publican es digno de ver.
From the music label that lately has given great hits as Fun.'s "We Are Young" or Rome's "Dedication", arrives VersaEmerge with "No Consequences", a powerpop song with a bit of rock that seems to be a hit but not into the big public. I recommend you to subscribe to the YouTube channel of Fueled By Ramen because each video they publish is worthy to watch.
Vía: YouTube
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