Jhameel, ese gran desconocido para el gran público pero conocidísimo de este blog, ha estrenado el videoclip para "A Maiden Calling", otra de tantas buenas canciones que ha presentado ("Shut Up", "White Lie" o "Shadow Of A Man"), esta vez, más tranquila, pero siendo evidente ese estilo tan personal que tiene. Si por mi fuera, este hombre ya tendría un contrato para, al menos, cinco discos, porque parece que creatividad le sobra.
Jhameel, that big stranger for the big public but very known in this blog, has premiered the music video for "A Maiden Calling", another one of those great songs he has presented ("Shut Up", "White Lie" or "Shadow Of A Man"), this time, more quiet, but being evident that personal style he has. If it was for me, this man would already has a hire for, at least, five albums, because he seems to has so much creativity.
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