jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012

Amanda Mair "Sense" (Music Video)

Viene de la fría Suecia, pero transmite calor y ternura a partes iguales con su voz. Tiene apenas 17 años, pero su voz suena adulta en letras juveniles. Es muy guapa, pero se hará famosa por sus grandes cualidades interpretativas vocalmente. Este "Sense" es un tema indiepop que probablemente acabe siendo popular. Está rodeada de contradicciones, pero eso no le va a evitar el darse a conocer mundialmente.

She comes from the cold Sweden, but she transmits warm and tenderness equally. She has just seventeen, but her voice sounds adult in teenage lyrics. She's very pretty, but she will be famous because of her great performing vocal qualities. This "Sense" is a inidepop track that probably will last being popular. She's surrounded by contradictions, but that won't avoid her of being famous globally soon.

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