Si en "I Fucked Up" dije que era la canción que más me gustaba de las que habían salido, con la filtración de "I Don't Give A" eso ha cambiado. Creo que es la canción más original de las que ha sacado últimamente y, por lo visto, a Madonna le ha gustado Nicki Minaj porque es la segunda canción del disco (la primera es el single "Give Me All Your Lovin'") en la que aparece. Otra cosa, Madonna vuelve a provocar polémica por la supuesta mención a Lady Gaga, ¿es así o es obsesión enfermiza de los medios por la guerra de divas?.
If in "I Fucked Up" I said that was the song that I liked the most of the songs were out, with the leaking of "I Don't Give A" that has changed. I think it's the most original song of which she has released lately and, as seen, Madonna likes Nicki Minaj, that's why she appears in two songs of the album (the first one is the single "Give Me All Your Lovin'"). Another thing, Madonna has made another controversy because of the supposed me alleged mention to Lady Gaga, is like that or is a sick obsession of the media for a divas war?
Vía: Hypetrak
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