lunes, 9 de julio de 2012

Florence + The Machine "Breaking Down" (Music Video)

Muy poco tiempo después de ser estrenado el videoclip de "Spectrum", Florence + The Machine se han marcado un Lana Del Rey haciendo un vídeo vintage para "Breaking Down", un tema muy purista del sonido Florence (dirigido claramente a los que no gustan tanto del sonido dance) que nos ofrece otra parte del pedazo de disco que la inglesa hizo el año pasado y que creo que tendremos sin esfuerzo durante el resto del 2012.

Very short time after been released the music video for "Spectrum", Florence + The Machine has made a "Lana Del Rey" making a vintage video for "Breaking Down", a very Florence-sound purist track (directed clearly for the people who doesn't like too much the dance sound) and that brings us another part of the very great album the English singer made the last year and which I believe that the rest of this 2012 will stand there without efforts.

Vía: I Want New Music

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